Spiritual and conscious communities are taking the world by a storm. It all began with innovators like Ram Dass and Alan Watts who opened the West to Eastern Philosophy. These ideas were adopted by the ...
A version of this article was first published on Search Engine Journal. Does this sound familiar to you? Your goal for the day is to finalize the strategy for a new digital campaign. It is ...
In the startup world, we love to talk about unicorns. 🦄 Unicorns are rapid growth startups valued over $1 billion. The term unicorn is meant to be a compliment. However, unicorns are only defined by ...
In the startup world, the North Star describes the one metric that is indicative of all your future business growth. It is the central metric to track and improve that everyone in the company focuses ...
Help and support are not a game of “tit for tat”. In game theory, tit for tat is the strategy of reciprocity. It means that you start with a friendly move and then copy the ...
When it comes to successful entrepreneurship, we think that an original idea is all that matters. We celebrate idea generators like Jeff Bezos who rewrote the story of online commerce or Elon Musk who wants ...
I have once flown from Bali to China to LA in a day. Another time, I flew from Chiang Mai, Thailand to Las Vegas for just a conference. In 2018 and 2019, I did 27 ...
In 2015, I was preparing to leave Germany for a world journey. I was meant to hike in America, explore Central Asia and meet monks and gurus. It was meant to be 12 months. 12 ...
Are you wondering how to trust someone if they are not in the office where you can see them? My philosophy is to give trust first. A friend of mine once told me: “We become ...
Internet gurus bombard us with the notion that hustling and grinding are the cornerstones of digital entrepreneurship — and I sure did when I started out. When I began working as a freelancer in 2017, ...
As a digital entrepreneur or aspiring digital nomad, you are a rare breed. Even though the term is gaining in popularity – 44.000 people search for “digital nomad” on Google every month – there are ...
You might know flow as that feeling of being in the zone when you run, dance, paint or work. You might talk to a friend and all of the sudden, it is two hours later. ...
This is a dictionary for the weird, random and beautiful vocabulary that comes with the conscious entrepreneur lifestyle. Do YOU know… bulletproof coffeepassive incomeremarketing campaignMVP4HHWecstatic danceTrellobootstrapping ? TL;DR (too long, didn’t read): Digital entrepreneurs are ...
At first, it took my breath away as pain flooded my system. Then, my breath was hectic and fast-paced. In and out. Fast. Flat. In. Out. Almost hyperventilating. My heart was racing. In. Out. My ...
Germany’s capital Berlin has a turbulent past, a frivolous prestige and an international charm. The city is one of Europe’s most interesting places to visit – it is a hub for digital marketers, digital entrepreneurs ...
The other day, I bought a candle from COUDRE BERLIN. It is handmade in Berlin and created from soy wax and essential oils. It was 25 EUR. It was the tip of the iceberg. Contemporary ...